UMS II - Memory Requirements. UMS II requires 1 megabyte of RAM on both the Atari ST and Commodore Amiga home computer systems. The PC version requires 640K of memory and the more that is available then the faster the program will run. If UMS II seems to be taking an excessive amount of time to run then it is advisable to remove any memory resident programs or utilities that are installed when you boot up your machine, this will free up more memory allowing the program to run faster. The PC version will run in EGA and CGA graphics modes. All versions are hard disk installable as stated in the manual. UMS II runs on DOS Versions 2.01 upwards. UMS II - Operation. To run the EGA verison of UMS II, type umsii at the DOS prompt. Press a key to exit the opening sequence. To run the CGA version, type umsiicga. On most Tandy computers, you have to run the CGA version. UMS II - Running from floppy disk. If you are running UMS II from floppy drive then you must ensure that you back up the necessary files for the original scenario that you wish to run from the disk supplied. Use one disk for each scenario. IMPORTANT: Playing a scenario will change the data for the scenario on disk so always use a back-up and if you want to start over copy the .DAT and .IND from the master files. UMS II - Installing on hard disk. First make a subdirectory with the DOS command md(make directory command): md UMSII Then change the subdirectory with the DOS command cd(change directory command): cd UMSII Then put the first master disk in drive A and use the DOS copy command: copy a:*.* c: Continue this until you are done with all the master disks. Operation Overlord. Overlord.* Shaef.* OKW.* Ums2end.* The Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon.* Nappic.* Ukpic.* Ums2end.* Alexander the Great. Alex.* Ums2end.* Updates: This new version of UMS II includes these features that were added after the UMS II Manual went to press: 1. Corps Level Orders. You can give orders to ground units from the Corps(3rd) level. Try to be careful of obstacles as there may be some problems moving around them. Especially avoid putting Corps way points in the sea. 2. Merge Units. You can merge ground units in order to reinforce existing units. The merging units have to be on the same square. Merging is done from the ground units orders box. 3. Follow Units. When this menu item in the Extras menu is checked then during the Execute Phase the map will be redrawn with the active, or moving unit, centered in the map. This will help you follow activity as units move about the map. 4. Expanded printer support. There is now a file called PRINTER.CFG which contains the number of the printer driver being used by the game. By default the number is 52 for Epson MX-80 printers but if you change the number to 65 by typing: COPY CON PRINTER.CFG [RETURN] 65[Function 6 key][RETURN] the game should be able to use HP Laserjet II and compatible printers. For other printers, please contact Intergalactic Development Inc. for your printer driver. Please specify exact printer model. 5. Different Path Display. The different path type are all drawn now with different patterns so that you can tell them apart. The legend for the path patterns is in the Legend dialog box. 6. Changed the Save As feature so that it can write over already existing files. Previously this wasn't allowed as a safety feature but this proved to be to limiting to the users so it was changed and now works like Le Guerrier vol. 2, no. 1 describes. 7. Versions 1.6.2 and higher allows users to hide the units on the screen while giving orders so they can see underlying terrain and paths. To hide the units, press the letter H while you have the cross-hair for giving orders. This acts like a toggle, so you can show them again by pressing the H a second time. Also the path bonus was fixed. The path bonus for waterways now works like this: a value of zero means the ship travels at the same speed as Coastal Sea speed. A non-zero number will be used as the percentage of Coastal Speed that is subtracted from the Coastal Speed so that ships travel slower down waterways than in the open sea. For example, a number of 100 means that the ships go twice as slow as in open sea. You can now use the Suez Canal in the Desert Storm scenarios to move ships. You need to get the updated files from 12/13/91 or increase the port capacity of Suez with the Planet Editor. We used the same values from Port Said for Suez. 8. Increased mouse support. Now if you move the mouse to the edge of the screen while giving orders, the map will scroll in the direction of the mouse. For example, if you move the mouse to the right edge of the screen, the map will scroll to the east. Bug fixes. Fixed bugs dealing with the accidental drop-off of units in the sea, program not running when using DOS earlier than 3.0 and not using a mouse, Path Movement Bonus, the wind effect with sail ships, a divide by zero error that happened in Napoleon when British were on Computer Control, Production problems, units occasionly losing next Way Point, Port Capacity so that it is now checked properly, basing for air units so that they can be based and automatically return to base and die if not on base and various other minor bugs to numerous to mention here. Version 1.6.2 Fixed bug with path effect. All the bonus numbers were off by one when used by the program for the bonus. This fix should also help canal travel. Version 1.6.3 Fixed bug when giving orders to Corps level units or higher. Sometimes icon would be redrawn in wrong spot. Version 1.6.4 Added patroling for air units(that are not transports) of Computer Controlled countries that are defensive. Before air units of Computer Controlled countries that were defensive didn't do anything. Version 1.6.6 (No 1.6.5) Fixed bug that caused missiles to be produced in the game as nuclear when they weren't of nuclear type. Fixed bug with displaying objective of attacking missiles in Display Unit Info so that it displays correct coordinates instead random numbers. Made changes in the garrisoning of units on computer control so that units that would be illegal for garrisoning (eg. missiles) would not garrison. This only happened with units already sitting in the city. /* 01/29/92 */Changed how Shift is being checked for Unloading units from transports so it is checked earlier so Unload works better. Version 1.6.7 Fixed bug with how the casualties arrays are index in the Battle Equation so the numbers match those in the Master Control Panel. Also changed Battle Equation report so that the A/D index is shown for each unit. Also fixed how the supply level for an unit is used throughout UMS II. Made sure it is based on unit strength times maximum supply per strength point like in the Planet Editor throughtout UMS II. Also, now as unit loses strength points, it also loses supplies if it has more supplies than it can carry. An unit's supplies is clipped at strength times max_supplies or 99 whichever is smaller. This change is also reflected in the Resupply Box, the Merge function and the capturing of supplies from dead units. Now only Ground units can capture supplies of dead units and it can only capture supplies from other Ground units and from Supply units. Also fixed Overlord scenario because several unit types had maximum supply per strength points of 0 which caused problems. Version 1.6.8 Fixed bug that caused crash when looking at map around International Dateline. Also changed how stationery reports are handled so that they come up much faster now. Version 1.6.9 Fixed bug that allowed ships under Computer Control to dump units into the water. Fixed bug with outline in Move Units that caused merged units to appear sporadically and unit following merged unit to disappear and strength points to total up wrong. Also fixed the problem with not being able to click on bottom units in the list after a merge. Increased the length of time between the first and second click in a double click. Fixed More button in Merge Units box so that if there are more than five units on one square to merge the More button is highlighted. Made a fix in checking for port capacity so that the ship that was just in the port doesn't get counted twice if it tries to move right back in again. Version 1.7 Changed the version number so that it is in synch with the version numbers on the other machines. Made changes so that half-height icons now work right on the IBM. Version 1.7.1 Made changes to fix crash when airbase is destroyed by SCUDs in MIDEAST & FEB23 scenarios. For questions or comments: Intergalactic Development Inc. 1427 Washington St. Davenport, IA 52804 (319) 323-5293